Your Current Staff Costs: Change the figures in GRAY cells right to calculate your savings potential.
This calculator is for illustration purposes only. To work out the costs savings in your business, it is required that we undertake an analysis of your current business processes and costs there of, and formulate appropriate solution to create savings. The actual savings may differ from estimates and illustrations here in.
How to use : To see your true monthly costs of your staff that processes data and document intensive transactions / business processes, fill in the Gray line items using your current data. You can print this spreadsheet when you are done entering the details.
Cost of Staff: (one person)Hourly pay rate/hourHours per week, on average, that your staff works */weekHealth insurance costs for staff/monthPension benefits (as a % of salary)Weeks of paid vacation per yearweeks/yearPayroll taxes & worker’s comp (as a % of salary)Overhead (as a % of office space, computer, supplies)*
Cost of Your Time to Manage the Staff: (one person)Hours per week you spend with the staff/weekValue of your time (not cost)/hourHiring and on going training of staff *hours/yearValue of your time review and remedy processing mistakes/month/staffTotal Number of Processing Staff *You SAVE (reduction in costs estimated at Pransform’s ALL INCLUSIVE rate per hour of : )
Detailed Calculation of Staff CostsMonthly SalaryHealth InsurancePension BenefitsVacationPayroll Taxes & Worker’s Comp InsuranceOverheadTotal Staff Costs person/monthYour Time to Manage StaffHiring and Ongoing TrainingFees to review and remedy mistakesTotal Opportunity Costs of OwnerYour TOTAL Current Monthly Costs Per Person Per MonthYour TOTAL Current Monthly Staff CostsYour MONTHLY savingsper monthYour YEARLY savingsper year
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